Best place to send packages (in case he gets transferred)
Mission Office
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission
8925 51st Ave. suite 305
Edmonton AB T6E 5J3
Mission Office
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission
8925 51st Ave. suite 305
Edmonton AB T6E 5J3
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Time comes at a price! 12-17-08
Today I have returned to my previous method of writing. I'll today begin with my newsletter so I have more time to write all the miracles that are happening. The trouble is, as a result I may not be able to respond to as many personally as I would like. Let me know if this is a good exchange or not!Julius Tago is a new investegator this past week. He was referred to us by a man named Patrick Keys. He's not in our ward but is a member in southern edmonton. Julius was eager to meet with us and told us in the first 5 minutes "since speaking with Patrick I've begun to understand why some people change religion." Now I know it took some superhuman perception but for me that was a small hint to how ready and prepared Julius tago is.As we began with prayer and started into the lesson Julius looked intensely at the Book of Mormon we presented him with. The look in his eyes was full with gratitude and praise and he was clearly listening to every word we spoke. After teaching him about the Godhead and that God is his loving Heavenly Father, Julius stopped us. He said " my brothers, I want to learn about the basic principles but I have only five minutes left tonight. I want to know what I need to DO."Here once again my superhuman radar went off saying, Julius has been prepared by God. We showed him Moroni 10:3-5, a scripture based on how "by the power of the Holy Ghost [we] may know the truth of all things." He drank in the concept and loved it.Next we told him that in order to show real intent which is one of the requirements in verse 4 of Moroni chapter 10 we wanted him to set a baptismal date! He was eager and willing. December 27, 2008 is the day he has set. Julius said he would not be able to come to church the following day because he wanted to bid farewell to the baptist congregation he had been attending. We explained that he must be to church 2 times before baptism so he would either have to come for sacrament meeting or postpone his baptism. "I will be there" was his simple and dedicated reply. Sure enough he was at church.I am SO excited about the miracles that God has and is blessing us with.Johan Fernando is from Sri Lanka. I've mentioned him in the past. His family has applied for visas and are waiting a reply from the Canadian embassy. We've fasted with Johan for his family and we are excited to meet them. We're keeping as much faith as we can that they will be here for Christmas. Johan still plans for baptism on December 27th also.Zephaniah and Tapiwa with their daughter Sharon have postponed their baptism. They're not yet prepared to come to church and experience those blessings. We'll be meeting with them on Sunday.Marina is a 17 year old young woman. She came to the missionaries two weeks before I was in Edmonton again and said "I'm ready to be baptized." Elder Kipp and Elder smith said "ok." ha ha (That's usually our response to remarks like this one.) She is eating up all she can of the pamphlets her friend in the church has given her. Finally her father (who opposes the church) gave her permission to be taught and baptized.There is the run down on the 7 baptismal dates that are set in Londonderry. MIRACLES I tell you.I love the Lord. I am learning more fully how I can submit myself to Christ. In submission we are empowered. The only way to understand this concept is to experience it. Do you have the faith? It only takes a mustard seed. Pray mightily, work mightily, live by the spirit, have faith, and give the glory to Him who deserves it. THIS is the formula we've been given to submit to Christ. I promise you in the spirit of my calling as a humble servant of Jesus Christ, submission to Him is where happiness eternally lies."Prove me now herewith." (Malachi 3:10)I love you all! Smile and feel the spirit of Christ in this season.Elder McCarty(Canadian one)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
WOW 12-10-08
I don't know where time flies but it seems to come and go again and again with each blink of my eyes and each breath I take. Impossible must be the task to catch up to time and to subdue it so that we can accomplish all we wish to.Today has been good. We went to west edmonton mall as a district. It's a big mall. I think it's second largest in the world. I'm not a big shopper or anything and didn't buy anything but it was a good time building friendships.We've seen so many miracles!Our Mission President has challenged us to get one extra new investigator each week. This week we had 9 new investegators! That's more than I ever imagined. I'm so excited to see the way the Lord will make possible the 12 that we'll be required to get shortly. This Sunday my companion and I had a goal of 5 total baptismal dates for the week. Early in the week we had already gotten two. Sunday came and that is the end of the Key indicator week. Church came and went. We met with Johan (who is still set for baptism on Dec 27) and a few of our appointments fell through. The Cardinals were one that we hoped to set a date with. No luck. They all were sick and could not have us.We met with Zeph and Tapiwa with their two small children. The spirit was strong and I felt the spirit prompting me to be bold. We committed this seventh day adventist family to baptism after the first time we met with them! They declined. He said "When I know THEN I will set the goal to be baptized. We shared Ether 12:6 and told him "Zeph you must show fait if you truly want to know." He then accepted!Oh how the Lord blesses us. I love this work and I love all of you! Thank you for your support and love.
I look forward to seeing you all again!
Love,Elder McCarty
I look forward to seeing you all again!
Love,Elder McCarty
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Not enough time in the day... or emails! 12-03-08
Wow! I'm so sorry I can't give everything I want to give but time is super short.This last saturday morning Ashley Oneil in Fort Mcmurray was baptized! I was able to be there and it was a powerful spiritual experience. Also while visiting on exchanges miracles happened and we were able to contact an investegator who had disappeared but recognized me and came to say hello! Also we caught the Keyworths who are an amazing family on their way back to church. I am filled with hope. I now have a better view upon what that means. Reading Hope in Preach my Gospel chapter six I learned that the major lessons I'm developing tie in perfectly with this christlike attribute.In life setting goals is extremely important. President Rhodes asked "could it be that becoming like Christ starts on Preach My Gospel page 146?" That is a page on setting goals. Lately I've come to understand that prayerfully setting goals means that we set the goals God wants us to set rather than what we thing we're capable of. When we do this we can "believe and expect" (PMG Ch6 headline HOPE) the miracles that enable those goals to be accomplished!I have a firm and ever strengthening testimony. Jesus is the Christ. He and our Eternal Father invite ALL men, women, and children, to come unto them! Moroni 10 talks about the covenant of the father. The basis of that covenant is to make us holy! Jesus shall make us holy if we do as He has pled us. The spirit will guide. My question and invitation this day is "How might you more fully come unto Christ? Will you prayerfully set goals and expect and believe the shall be accomplished?"
I love you. I miss you all.
Thank you for EVERYTHING.
Love,Elder McCarty
I love you. I miss you all.
Thank you for EVERYTHING.
Love,Elder McCarty
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Beautiful day! 11-26-08
Today is truly a gorgeous day! The temperature is a mild -1 C and there is STILL no snow to speak of here in Edmonton. The blizzards had begun when I was in Fort Mcmurray but winter hasn't yet caught up to me. I'm afraid that the lead I've gained will be short lived.We had an amazing meeting with our Mission President. He invited President Holt who is the temple president to com speak with us. He taught us what it means to be endowed with power from on high. WOW. My mind was sent for a spin and I now more understand the calling I have and the power our Father offers us when we act in faith and righteousness.Sunday we met with Johan! Talk about an amazing man. He is from Shrie lanka (if you know how to spell it please correct me.) It's an island off the coast of india. The majority of the population are buddhist and hindu. He is from the catholic church. 5000 men rose up to commit genocide to the people with christian belief.The bishop of his church told him to turn the other cheek but he said "If their cause was just I would turn the other cheek, but because it is not I will stand and fight." We expained that although Jesus submitted when he needed to he also cleansed the temple! Johan has a wife and kids that are still stuck in the country of persecution. They're working on getting them to come here but are having difficulty. The faith he has is evident in his expression that his family will join him for Christmas in Canada. As we taught him his concern was that his family is right now his priority. We taught the Plan of Salvation. Near the end we committed him to baptism and he continued that his family needed to remain top priority. We explained that his baptism is FOR his family. We talked about his family being eternal IF they go to the celestial kingdom. The catholic doctrine contradicts eternal families. As you may imagine his distance from his dear family makes being with them eternally quite a sweet thought. We bore testimony that the gate of baptism leads him and his family to being together forever and living in the presence of our exalted heavenly father!He accepted and will be baptized on Dec 27th 2008. I am SO excited for the miracles that have and DO happen each day. I love the fact that as Johan does we can and ought to all have faith to make changes to help us return with our God and our Families as is explained in Helaman 3:30 "to go no more out."Also some exciting things, I get to go up to Fort Mcmurray to see Ashleys baptism this weekend! I'm so stoked. She is an amazing girl and has faith to be like a lion even through her nature to be lamb-like. She's a great example also. Her family doesn't particularly support her but they don't oppose her either. She's acting with a lot of faith and I'm so excited for her to be blessed!I love this work. It is of God. Thomas S. Monson is a prophet OF GOD. We often accept ownership and say he is our prophet but let us not forget that primarily he is God's prophet ordained, sent and set apart from evil for you and I and all our brothers and sisters.I love and miss you. Take the best of care of yourself.Elder McCartyof canada
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Nice marnin dis marnin 11-19-08
But it mightn't be sa nice a marnin nex marnin.
Yes It's true the newfy language still lingers.Big news! Transfer calls came and I am now down in Londenderry. It's in the same Zone/stake as Fort Mac but it's in Edmonton.
I'm now covering one of the family wards that comprises the singles ward I served in before Fort Mac! Pretty spiffy.
This is a fantastic area. The Elders that have previously been here are hard working and obedient. In fact the reputation is so high for Londenderry that it has been the contributor this year to around 1/7th of the baptisms for the whole mission. That's some quick in the head not specific math but I think it's pretty close. Out of 130 Missionaries it's significant that an area with only two would be so high!
Elder Sean Mitchell Kipp and I are seeking earnestly to maintain and press further the work here. It's a big Job but the Lord wills it and we will do all in our power.
MIRACLE: As I walked in to the bedroom this morning to get socks on (yes it's getting chilly up here) the phone rang. I ran to pick it up and the voice asked for some organization. I explained who we were and she was confused. I elaborated that sometimes people call us "The mormons." She gasped! "Oh I've been trying to contact you for so long. The only mormon I know moved to calgary and we lost contact but I need the Lord in my life so badly. Can you come and give me some of your materials?".... I said "yes."
Barb is going through a hard time. Her ex husband struggles with drugs and alcohol and the divorce is taking it's toll on her. She said she will be at church and we'll be attempting to contact her immediately after we email!
Angels have gone forth and prepared Gods children to recieve this message. I encourage each of you to pray and consider who you know that needs peace, consolation, strength, and love in their life. Decide today that you will be a servant worthy of being called an angel who prepares the way for future or present missionaries. Today is the day.
I love you all and my soul is rejuvenated. I'm eager and ready to serve even through my fears and weaknesses. Take the best of care and have a happy thanksgiving down in the good ol' U. S. of Eh?
Love,Elder McCarty
P.s. the address that is best to send packages is now:
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission Office
8925 51st Avenue Suite 305
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3
The office wanted us to warn you all that in will take a minimum of 3-4 weeks for packages from home to arrive. Please send me lots of letters! :D
I love you!
Yes It's true the newfy language still lingers.Big news! Transfer calls came and I am now down in Londenderry. It's in the same Zone/stake as Fort Mac but it's in Edmonton.
I'm now covering one of the family wards that comprises the singles ward I served in before Fort Mac! Pretty spiffy.
This is a fantastic area. The Elders that have previously been here are hard working and obedient. In fact the reputation is so high for Londenderry that it has been the contributor this year to around 1/7th of the baptisms for the whole mission. That's some quick in the head not specific math but I think it's pretty close. Out of 130 Missionaries it's significant that an area with only two would be so high!
Elder Sean Mitchell Kipp and I are seeking earnestly to maintain and press further the work here. It's a big Job but the Lord wills it and we will do all in our power.
MIRACLE: As I walked in to the bedroom this morning to get socks on (yes it's getting chilly up here) the phone rang. I ran to pick it up and the voice asked for some organization. I explained who we were and she was confused. I elaborated that sometimes people call us "The mormons." She gasped! "Oh I've been trying to contact you for so long. The only mormon I know moved to calgary and we lost contact but I need the Lord in my life so badly. Can you come and give me some of your materials?".... I said "yes."
Barb is going through a hard time. Her ex husband struggles with drugs and alcohol and the divorce is taking it's toll on her. She said she will be at church and we'll be attempting to contact her immediately after we email!
Angels have gone forth and prepared Gods children to recieve this message. I encourage each of you to pray and consider who you know that needs peace, consolation, strength, and love in their life. Decide today that you will be a servant worthy of being called an angel who prepares the way for future or present missionaries. Today is the day.
I love you all and my soul is rejuvenated. I'm eager and ready to serve even through my fears and weaknesses. Take the best of care and have a happy thanksgiving down in the good ol' U. S. of Eh?
Love,Elder McCarty
P.s. the address that is best to send packages is now:
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission Office
8925 51st Avenue Suite 305
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3
The office wanted us to warn you all that in will take a minimum of 3-4 weeks for packages from home to arrive. Please send me lots of letters! :D
I love you!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
LIfe is great! 11-12-08 (and pictures too!)
Well it's now week six. That means it's the end of the road for Elder David Woodruff Hill! He'll be flying home one week from today. Mom and Glen or Dad and Patti, You'll have to have him over for supper and he can share with you a lot of the experiences we're having that I never think of when I'm finally sitting down at the computer. Trust me he'll need to have some people cooking for him when he get's down there. I'll get you his information probably next week. I gave him yours too but who knows how soon he'll contact you!As for me I'm not sure what's going to happen. Logic says I'll probably be stickin around in Fort Mac but logic submits to revelation.
Who knows what's on the plans?Last Thursday we met with Ashley again! She's getting baptized on November 29th. I'm so excited for her! She's absolutely golden. She was so worried about the fact that her parents weren't interested and apologized profusely. We told her that her example of faith and willingness to submit to Gods will would inspire her family. When she broke the news to her Mum that she's planning to be baptized her mom decided that she is more interested in learning and should be at our next meeting! How amazing. I have adoration for the valiant souls God has prepared and that are willing to act without stubbornness of heart. I'm extremely encouraged.
My hair is getting long! I know Dad you'll never believe that I now consider the length at which my hair is now to be long but it's true. I need to get a hair cut. I'll hopefully attach some pictures this week of a lot of the folks we've been meeting with!I want you all to know that I Love the Lord. I also love truth. It's simplicity and power motivates me. I so look forward to each day when I get to learn more about the truths that we've been given. I also look forward to each opportunity to open the eyes of our brothers and sisters to see the salvation of God.
I've been realizing more and more the kind of love I've gained for so many families and individuals here in Fort Mcmurray. It's a great place to be.I have a testimony of the active role of our Heavenly Father in our lives. He is near. He loves you! Happiness is a gift from him available to all who will draw nearer and nearer unto Him. I so pray that this will be all of our determination. Love, Elder McCarty
Pictures Explanations:
This Is Bruce. He is The King of the Newfs. We think it's a conspiracy but our stradegy is if we can teach and baptize Bruce than all of the Newfoundlanders will follow! He's a great man and has been the source of the Newfy meals the salvation army has cooked for us. If you ever meet him think twice before you speak with him. He's hard to understand with a mile a minute mumble!
This is the Davis Family. These are some of the greatest people! I love the whole family. Steve is next to me with Iaasac on his back. Steves wife is Laurel with Elijah in her lap. Their neice is visiting from Calgary with her soon to be missionary boyfriend. Elder hill is on the left. The had us over for Elder hills last supper with them. Supper was Abel Skivers! They were delicious and completely a mystery to me.

The date on the picture is goofy. I thought I was setting it for 10-17-2008 but it ended differently. This was my anniversery of the day I entered the MTC. Hence the tie on head with the belt as a sash and the half tucked shirt. My tie got in the cake frosting so I had to get it off somehow. Notice the single candle! ha ha I call this my mid life crisis.

418 Pierette Coomb and Marsha Fay Pittman are far left. They're the two newfy girls who work at the hospital where we do weekly service. Alaina King is between Elder Hill and I (not recommended for a close companionship.) They're a fun bunch to be with. Only Marsha has been interested in the gospel and struggles with living arrangements. She had a baptismal date but it fell through on account of her still living with her boyfriend.
Ok I love you all! Take care of yourselves!
Who knows what's on the plans?Last Thursday we met with Ashley again! She's getting baptized on November 29th. I'm so excited for her! She's absolutely golden. She was so worried about the fact that her parents weren't interested and apologized profusely. We told her that her example of faith and willingness to submit to Gods will would inspire her family. When she broke the news to her Mum that she's planning to be baptized her mom decided that she is more interested in learning and should be at our next meeting! How amazing. I have adoration for the valiant souls God has prepared and that are willing to act without stubbornness of heart. I'm extremely encouraged.
My hair is getting long! I know Dad you'll never believe that I now consider the length at which my hair is now to be long but it's true. I need to get a hair cut. I'll hopefully attach some pictures this week of a lot of the folks we've been meeting with!I want you all to know that I Love the Lord. I also love truth. It's simplicity and power motivates me. I so look forward to each day when I get to learn more about the truths that we've been given. I also look forward to each opportunity to open the eyes of our brothers and sisters to see the salvation of God.
I've been realizing more and more the kind of love I've gained for so many families and individuals here in Fort Mcmurray. It's a great place to be.I have a testimony of the active role of our Heavenly Father in our lives. He is near. He loves you! Happiness is a gift from him available to all who will draw nearer and nearer unto Him. I so pray that this will be all of our determination. Love, Elder McCarty
Pictures Explanations:
The date on the picture is goofy. I thought I was setting it for 10-17-2008 but it ended differently. This was my anniversery of the day I entered the MTC. Hence the tie on head with the belt as a sash and the half tucked shirt. My tie got in the cake frosting so I had to get it off somehow. Notice the single candle! ha ha I call this my mid life crisis.
418 Pierette Coomb and Marsha Fay Pittman are far left. They're the two newfy girls who work at the hospital where we do weekly service. Alaina King is between Elder Hill and I (not recommended for a close companionship.) They're a fun bunch to be with. Only Marsha has been interested in the gospel and struggles with living arrangements. She had a baptismal date but it fell through on account of her still living with her boyfriend.
Ok I love you all! Take care of yourselves!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Note: You can turn off the music
Just scroll down to the ipod icon and press the pause button to stop the music for this viewing session. Then you can heard the sound on the videos.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Familia and Friends! 11-05-08

Well hello there!
This week has been super.
Upon my mind and soul lately has been impressed the peace available when we do our best.
Sunday November 2nd we met with Ashley O'neil. We now have her phone number so we no longer rely upon Ben Galenzoski a great young man in our ward. I have great respect for him but he's not getting a career in careful diligent planning just yet. That's a huge thing my mission has done for me and I'm certain it will do the same for him.
We told Ashley that we wanted to meet with her whole family. Don (dad) Nikki (mom) Dana (sister) and Ashley all were prepared to watch a movie with us. We sat down and introduced in by teaching the first principles of lesson one.
As we watched the movie the spirit was strong. I felt impressed that after we should challenge them to prayerfully discuss as a family if the will investegate. This evening was based more around our friendship with the family than their interest in the gospel. So we hoped to get them learning and eager.
As we talked about the movie and committed them they turned down our offer to take the lessons. We still managed to commit them to talk and pray about it. I was disappointed but less downspirited as I expected. I bore my testimony to them and told them of a few of the blessings they would recieve from the restored gospel. We closed with prayer and left.
Ashley walked us to the door. At the landing while we were putting on our shoes she said with a tremor in her voice and tears in her eyes "I still want to learn." I smiled and told her we still want to teach her. I could see the emotion as she expressed her desire to continue in the lessons.
Walking to the truck I looked up in the night sky. Just as our Father aligns planets, stars and galaxies, He aligns His children. If we act in obedience to His will harmony is the inevitable result. I felt that I had done our Fathers will and that Ashley will progress and be a brightly lit example to her family and perhaps after years, the O'neil family will accept the gospel.
I love God. I know the living Christ and His living Father have their living church. I rejoice in the glory of our great and eternal head. I know, in part, the blessings that come to us from obedience.
May you be blessed and lifted up. I pray for your spiritual experiences.
Elder McCarty
Mom (Becky) with the Elder McCarty Standup earlier this year
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Humbled and made bold 10-29-08
I read Elder McCarty's (Kyler's) letters and am thrilled with the messages he bares. I love the pictures he sends and I am going to be better at taking more to send with my weekly letter. I hope the spirit is with my email in the same way I feel the spirit when I read his.It's a beautiful week. Zone Conference always lifts me up. As an added bonus we are allowed to attend the temple. I get exhausted when I feel so much of the spirit. It's always amazing to me how much revelation is available to us. So many impressions have been made on my mind and my heart. I learned a lot about the covenant of our father. It's so concisely stated in Moroni 10:32-33. This is the Abrahamic Covenant. What a tremendous thought that through it we shall become holy! Could you imagine how that might feel? I think we get a taste of it each time we feel the peace the atonement offers us. That peace overpowers doubt, fear, inadequacy, sin, darkness, and all other weapons the adversary uses.While in Edmonton we were able to visit our investegator Ashley Oneil. She is in the Hospital and is a very sick girl. Her stomach is basically paralyzed. They have her living off an IV and pumps. We taught about priesthood blessings but she didn't ask for one. I want her to have the peace and strength that comes from it. She amazes me with the cheerful attitude she maintains and the way she conducts herself through such trying afflictions.I have thought much lately upon the subject of prayer. I have been reading through 1 nephi. Nephi's searching question to his elder brothers in Chapter 15:8 "Have ye inquired of the Lord?" penetrated my heart. I wonder if we can ever as mortals truly grasp and experience the true power prayer offers. As we do all we can to understand what God would have for us tremendous blessings pour out. The will of God is manifest and our souls are brought nearer to Him. Let us pray a little bit more, maybe a little more sincere, and perhaps with ever increasing conviction and understanding.So many great things are happening. Fort Mcmurray is progressing. I look forward to seeing all that God has in store for us!I love you all and am ever grateful for your prayers and support.Elder McCarty
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wonder of wonder MIRACLES of MIRACLES! 10-22-08
I borrow a line from the beloved (and long passed) Mr. Rogers, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood." Word on the street is back in Utah fluffy white came falling recently. We got a super slushy rain a little bit back but nothing stuck. I think Utah wins the race this year. Pretty impressive.We've been blessed so very much this week. I begin with the story of last Preparation day.As usual we left emails (taking more time than we planned... also as usual.) Lucky for us we don't have a limit on how long we email just as long as we have time for our other Preparation activities. We left to visit the greyhound. Elder Hill goes home in one month and wants to send a box home so his luggage is lighter and he can fly in peace. As we walked through the glass doors two African women looked at us and their eyes lit up! Surprised at such a reception we began talking with them. "That's our church!" They exclaimed pointing at our name tags. "We just bussed in from Montreal and tried to contact someone from the church but haven't been able to. We still have no place to sleep and we need a place to stay so that we can work and get a place of our own" Said Kereng.These two sisters in fact are not members. They are investegators who could find only minimal work in Montreal since they speak no french. They came to Fort Mcmurray looking for a better life but planned poorly and found themselves in a tight situation.We sought help from all sources we could and though many wished to help there was little that could be done. They have been staying in a shelter and are beginning work. Both Kereng and Jenet told us of their love for the Book of Mormon. They told us of the faith that has sustained them and the assurance they had that things would improve.What a marvelous miracle that God led us to them and that we now are able to teach them and bring them into the fold of God. I see them in white even though they have not yet committed to baptism.On sunday an unexpected visitor named Yvonne joined us. She is amazing! She accompanied the relief society president sister Sharlene Graves. We set up a time to meet with her.As we met last night we sought to teach with simplicity and to testify boldly concluding that we wished to challenge her to prepare for baptism. As we did these things I felt a powerful measure of the spirit. I know that she felt it also because she committed to it! Her uncle (an active member) bore testimony of the truth and how it had impacted his life since converting. Her Baptismal date is November 15th 2008. We are SO excited for her.I love this work. My hunger for others salvation is on the increase. My frustration pertaining to my inability is decreasing and the powers of God are being manifest on every hand. I KNOW that peace and comfort are available to us. I know that our loving Father in Heaven answers our prayers because I have been fervantly praying for someone with whom we could accomplish the purpose God has given us and they have truly come.I love you all. Thank you for your prayers and support. I'm forever in your debt for the blessings I receive.
Love,Elder McCarty
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Holy Moley. October 15, 2008
Well everybody I'm out numbered. My companion is on his missions last leg, four Elders just returned from their missions into the wards we serve in, my Mom, my friends, even my sub conscious are all teamed up against me. I haven't found myself feeling "Trunky" as missionaries call it. Recently however I have been longing some for home. I miss all of you so much. It seems like only yesterday that I was receiving my call and it felt like forever away. I can't believe how long it's now been. Yes I admit, it's my 12 month mark on Friday.As I look back on the 12 months I've thus far had I see a lot of good experiences. I see many things that I've learned. I recognize a few people upon whom I feel my testimony has impacted. I know it has by no means been a waste. However, I also see the need for improvement. As President Monson has spoken of I recognize I must "learn from the past, prepare for the future and live in the present."Today is the day. Doctrine and Covenants 64:25 (23-25) talks about today. "Wherefore, if ye believe in [Christ,] ye will labor while it is called today." Well I do. So I am and will continue to. Step by step I will lay my foundation upon the rock of our Redeemer. In this section is one of my favorite scriptures. Verse 33 states "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."Brick by brick I'll lay the foundation. The mortar I will use will be of the finest blend. Held together by the atonement of a Superior Savior this foundation cannot fail.I have a living testimony of the living God, and His living Son. The Holy Spirit is offered to all willing to recieve it and I know first hand the blessings that come from so doing. The fruits far out weigh the labor required. There is no better return on an investment than to give that which is temporal, which entails fleeting pleasure for that which is eternal, bound to everlasting happiness. It's a small price for an infinite reward.I love you each and rejoice that some day we will again meet. See that you take good care of yourself. Let us labor while it is called today.
Elder McCarty
Elder McCarty
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Transfers Yesterday! Any guesses? 10-08-08
Yep it's true calls came. The meeting was yesterday and new companions were assigned. Again starts the commotion of learning, loving, living and pressing on. I loved the way Elder McCarty (Kyler) explained the peruvian response to "How are you?" As they say, "I'm fighting."Truth be told No call came and no meeting was attended. I remain in Fort Mcmurray. Elder Hill has the big transfer in the sky in under 6 weeks. He's ready but I don't think he's quite steady. It's a frightening thing that the mission could come to an end. Luckily he remains sure and has the strong determination to continue in the work. We're working hard and the fruits of our labors are there. Not always are the fruits measured but the are always noticable.General Conference was amazing. I was blown away by the spirit in each session. Without a doubt I know that those great men speak by the power of the Holy Ghost.My personal favoritewas by Elder Andersen I believe. The man is in one of the seventy and he spoke on how we "know enough." The story of hadly who boldy bore testimony and took comfort in the atonement of Jesus Christ pierced my heart, The missionary who wanted to return home because he didn't think he knew God loved him, and the stern, loving reply "You do know God loves you," all to me brought whisperings from the holy spirit and peace to my soul.Well I apologize for the shortness of this email but I have to go. I love you all very much and miss you! I look forward to the day at which we will once again meet and rejoice that our love for each other has not been diminished by time. As was taught in the MTC to me, "absence is to love as wind is to fire. It diminishes the weak while enraging the strong." I have faith that it will so be.With strong love,Elder McCartyP.s. I will be making a more diligent effort to write hand letters to all that I can. If you want one the safest way to ensure it is by sending one to me! ha ha :
D116 Romar Street
Fort Mcmurray, AB
T9h 2V9 Canada
D116 Romar Street
Fort Mcmurray, AB
T9h 2V9 Canada
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Muslim Witness and Catholic fever! 10-01-08
Wow! We've had some cool experiences this last week! I never thought I would know how much I now know about so many different churches. It always seems to draw me back and appreciate the blessings I and we recieve in and from the church.September 27th (last Saturday) we had an appointment with an investegator of ours. Badran is his name. He is from the middle east. You may have decided by now but he is Muslim. What a kind man he is. When we set the evening and time for our appointment he let us know that there would be two priests from the muslim faith at his home for supper. One of those priests came to Fort Mcmurray all the way from Jordan!In any case we anticipated it to be a quiet evening with just the 6 of us (we brought a member of the ward.) As we knocked on the door an unfamiliar man answered. He gestured for us to enter and we did. He walked down the stairs. We followed.Turning at the mid landing of the stairs in this townhouse I noticed 5 muslim men in my view sitting on the floor. We finally entered the unfinished basement and there were 13 men sitting in a large oval. Some looked muslim and some only dressed like they were muslim but all of them were muslim.They cleared some space on the floor and we sat. Badran then came down and explained to us the feast that lay before us. Lamb and rice, soups, salads, fruit, deserts all in traditional middle eastern fashion. He told us we MUST try some. We gladly consented even though we had all eaten previously.This evening was the end of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month long fast that muslims carry on each year. All hours of daylight are fasted but in the evenings they eat all they desire. In any case they were having the month end feast. None of it was super exotic but all of it was new for me. We ate our fill. Then we ate some more. Finally the time came that many of them had to go to the mosk to lead in the evening prayer they do each day. The priests each shook our hands and invited us to come to the mosk any time we want. Around half of the people left and we realized the time. It was almost 9:00 so we had to get moving along. Before leaving I asked if we could get a picture and here-in you'll have that attached.What a neat experience that I didn't ever quite anticipate having here in Fort Mcmurray canada. We had the opportunity that night to explain some of the basic doctrines of our religion and to clear misconception between their thoughts on the book of mormon.
As for the witness experience of the week it is less exciting. Bryan Barry our investegator informed us he was no longer interested in reading and praying about the book of mormon. He offered to continue meeting. We informed him that since we're not here to convince or persuade we could no longer meet with him unless he would read and pray. It was a hard decision to make and it felt like pulling out my heart but it had to happen. I will keep in touch with him because he is a really good man!
Finally the Catholic experience. Carla Saunders is a aboriginal woman who was victim to some of the unfortunate abuse that occurred in some of the catholic schools. She decided she would never again return to a church. We have talked a few times. She is busy as an electrician instructor at the college here.About a month ago she told us her office number and to stop by from time to time. While we were going about our business on monday we had some spare time. Once I realized this immediately there came into my mind the impression to visit Carla. She wasn't planned nor was she particularly on the way but we decided to follow it.Carla was excited to see us. She took us on a walk to return some equipment she had borrowed and we talked as we went. She explained she had read a talk we had given her on overcoming abuse. She said the story about the holocaust victim being able to forgive the criminal conduct against her family. Carla told us "It was a nice story and I'm glad she was able to forgive but it made me sad and angry because I don't feel like I CAN forgive." I shared with her some of my thoughts on weakness and a scripture in Ether 12:27. She read it and pondered on it. I bore her my witness that weak things truly shall become strong as we exercise faith and humility.She said she will be at church. There was no maybe about it.
It has been a good week. Lots of things are happening and I'm still learning rapidly. I love the work and the Lord.To each of you I express my love and appreciation for your support. Know that happiness is found in and through our Holy Redeemer. I know it.Press on.Elder McCarty
Here is the picture of Elder Hill and I with our Muslim buddies. Two of them are Mohammeds and one is Ali. You figure it out. Sounds like a dangerous boxing combination.
Badran is on the far left in the sweet pullover thing. Comfort has got to be one thing he's got going for him.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hello family and friends! Well today i'm in kind of a loopy mood. My head is a little bit light for some reason! ha ha I'm not sure why. In fact it hasn't been this way most of the morning but no all of a sudden it hits!We had a great experience last saturday with one of our investegators! Brian is a fantastic guy. He's our only investegator from the Jehovahs witness faith. He announced to us last saturday that he is starting his investegation over. He feels like he needs to go from an entirely unbiased viewpoint. I'm SO excited for him. He has been trying to bring the two beliefs together which ultimately would have resulted in him giving up and likely going back to what he was used to. He's reading and praying! He was supposed to be at church on sunday. Unfortunately he didn't make it. In any case it's the open and diligent investegator that really finds him or herself recieving a testimony.We have had a pretty slow week actually so far. It's a little frustrating because there is so much that needs to be done and it just feels like we're running on a treadmill some days.I've lately pondered a lot on the importance of submission. In mosiah 3:19 there is a scripture about the natural man. It also talks about becoming "submissive as a child." I think it's important that we recognize the submission of our will is the only real thing we have to give. We either give it to the Lord and find ourselves increasing in happiness and understanding or by default submit ourselves to he who would destroy us. In either case our will becomes increasingly like that of whomever we submit to. In either case we continue to have some resistance. The key difference is the end result. THAT is which we must focus upon. It is not so much the means by which we get there but the place we end up! In Doctrine and covenants 14:7 we learn that Eternal life is the greatest gift we can attain!I know that God lives and desires happiness for us. It is available and I have the hope and faith that it will come to those who diligently seek it!
Love,Elder McCarty
Love,Elder McCarty
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So much sitting! 09-17-08
Yes it is true. We happened to sit a lot this last weekend. On thursday we drove down to Edmonton. Friday we sat in our Zone Conference and saturday we had Dan's baptism and then drove back! Sunday we went to our 8 hours of church! My back is just about recovered though so don't worry! I'll tell you right now it was all worth it!
Zone conference is always powerful. It's a time when I'm able to reflect on how I can improve learn SO much! We talked a lot about our personal relationship with our heavenly father and I felt the spirit confirm again and again how well my Father in Heaven knows and loves me and you! Dan was baptized and confirmed this last week. He is so excited and knows that his baptism was right! He is excited to share the gift he has recieved from the atonement. It's powerful to see the light in his eyes. The picture attached is right after he was baptized. Elder Hill is next to me
We returned to Fort Mcmurray and had one of our investegators come to church. Barb Moberly is her name and she is really starting to seem promising. The down side is that she is all out busy all the time. We almost had another appointment with her but she had to cancel because she got a ton of homework. She's got 2 kids and is divorced and wants to have a better relationship with God and is well on the path.
Ashley was unable to come to church because she was sick. We'll be visiting her today with Ben her fellowshipper. She is in the hospital because she's malnourished. She has a rare condition where her stomach has been half paralyzed. We'll be teaching her about the priesthood and letting her know the availability of a priesthood blessing. I still have extremely high hopes for her. She will progress quickly. Her sickness is constant and it flares up from time to time, but there is no real danger that it will be fatal. She's a great girl and I look forward to being able to meet with her again.
Marsha Pittman is a little Newfy girl. She's got a thick accent and is one of the kindest people ever. We met with her at the church and gave her a tour. We taught the plan of salvation and she committed to prepare for baptism on october 25th. She's still nervous and a little hesitant but we informed her that if the day comes and she isn't prepared that we'll adjust. In the same breath we promised her that if she comes to church, reads the scriptures and prays about what we teach that she will be prepared. She's a great investegator and despite her shyness we have come to be pretty good friends with her.
My week has been stellar! I have felt day in and day out that this work is SO marvelous. I'm seeking to learn and improve and I feel it coming. Thank you all for your support and your love!
Elder Drew McCarty
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Maids and bais! 09-10-08
Well it's week three of the transfer which means ZONE CONFERENCE! Yes that usually means that Wednesday isn't my email day but this transfer is different. They had to scoot the Z
one Conference until Friday so we head down tomorrow. As an added bonus to that we'll be able to go to Dan Hugets baptism! He's all set and ready to go. We went over the Baptismal Interview Questions with him and he's done the preparation to be baptized. He's going to be such a solid member!Ashley O'neil is still progressing quickly. She wasn't able to make it to church last week since she had to work and do homework. We may have to pull some strings and get Sundays off for her. The owner of the Pizza Hut she is a manager at happens to be a mem
ber. In general the owner is very kind to us even though she happens to be a less active member. Ashley and now possibly her mother and sister will progress quickly. We met Nicole who is her Mother last night. She's very nice to us and seemed semi interested and said that she would know before long what Ashley is being taught.I want to talk breifly about the importance of Charity. I think I've written on it before but it is SO important. In Moroni 4:47-48 we are told that if we obtain charity "we shall be like him." What a promise!!In the book of 3 Nephi we are able to read the account of Jesus Christ as our risen Lord ministering to some of his "other sheep" (john 10:16 cross referenced with 3 Nephi 15:21.)In chapter 12 of 3 Nephi there is a powerful scripture. It is our Savior directly quoting his own sermon on the Mount to a whole new audience.Therefore we c
an read the same scripture in Matthew 6. The verses that strikes me are 43-45. THIS is the higher law! Love EVERYONE, not only our friends, "for [God] maketh His sun (or maybe Son?) to rise on the evil and on the good." How POWERFUL! Consider the comparison of our testimony to a seed. Any and all who plant that seed SHALL see it grow (so long as the seed is good or the testimony is in a good principle) as they water and nourish it.I bear my testimony to you we will partake of the fruit that Lehi tasted, that Nephi witnessed, and that all our holy fathers from everlasting to everlasting have and will continue to partake of. Brothers and Sisters, that fruit is Life Everlasting.I love you all. I think it's evident but I'll still point out, I am growing. I'm learning. The Lord is helping me to be worthy of his hire.Thanks for the emails you've sent! I love to read them and when the pictures come through the bless my soul! I hope that you have spiritual experiences and I know they are available to you! Seek them (matthew 7:7+8)Love,Elder McCarty
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hey all! 09-03-08
Shalom! So this week has been good. My neck is starting to relax. Stress was really getting to me last transfer. We're still only two Elders in the booming city of Fort Mcmurray but we're finding better ways to cope with stress. We had a girl come to church on sunday. She really seemed to enjoy it but is not yet investegating. She is interested and I think she'll likely progress quickly but the young man who brought her to church is a little hesitant I think. We're supposed to hear from him today to find out if we'll be meeting tonight. We've got another appointment, this one is with with
With all my love,Elder McCarty
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me? August 27,2008
Yes yes I know that was a little while ago. So what if I like to let my birthday turn to birthmonth? I'm on a mission I can celebrate how I please in the small amount of self time we seem to find! :D In actuality that's not the case.I got some VERY special packages from home the past few weeks. I'm SO grateful for the time and effort that all who did, put into it. I LOVE the things you sent. Elder Hill loves the Candy especially. Don't you worry I'm pretty good at sharing (despite the fact that I might hide the Cheese its!) Today the picture attached is of my requested, nevertheless unpleasant, rendition of the popular song... Happy Birthday... to me. Elder Hill helped. Yes those are 20 mini muffins. Yes i'm old. No I don't need a walker yet. Maybe I'll attach another picture too... let us see... hmmm...OK, so the other picture (they should be easily discernable when you open them) is of me assisting (unnecessarily) Elder Stewart with an extremely heavy box in the basement of the salvation army where we give service. This is the room they stockpile all the out of season clothes. Elder Stewart is built like a stripling warrior so he clearly doesn't need any help from my boyish muscles. In whatever case I lended my assistance after strategically placing the camera and accidentily (or purposefully) setting the timer and pushing the button. If you zoom in beware. I think my face is a bit of a mixture between smiling and looking like I'm struggling with the weight of the box. If you have a weak stomach I don't recommend zooming in. :D
Oh side note, Elder Stewart is down in Edmonton now a days. He's the man! I told him he was going to train a new missionary about 2 weeks before the call came telling him he indeed was! I have it documented in my little spiritual whispers book. It was cool.Transfer calls came monday. Any guesses? Ok I'm sure the suspense is killing you! I don't know why I pause when I mean for the reader to pause but I always do. Yes Indeed I'm staying in Fort Mcmurray. It's likely I'll be here a bare minimum of another three months. I'm really liking it here and I'm learning a lot. Elder Hill and I are the only two up here still so the work load can be heavy.OH! Last night we met with Dan Huget. He was a former investegator. He's a super bright fella. He reminds me a lot of my macho big brother (sorry josiah not this time) named Kyler. Well I guess he's kind of like Josiah too. Anyhow, Dan wants to get baptized! He'll be entering those sacred waters on September 13th. What a solid guy he is. It doesn't count for Fort Mcmurray since he'll technically be in the Kingsway ward. (yes the very same that I served in previously... Ironic?) No matter to us though because he is a stellar fellar. Lately Elder Hill and I have been talking with a bit of a southern accent and I think it's starting to sneak its way into my usual speech. It's kind of strange. I'm getting more and more comments like "You must be american." How strange that I would go north and obtain a southern accent! You figure it out because I sure can't. I think we should try the British accent more often because that one I'd love to have! I'm McCarty... Elder Mccarty. (lame James bond joke?)Well family and friends I love you all very much.Spiritual thought of the week:Preach my gospel in chapter 6 states "Obedience is the first law of heaven." Why? Obedience shows supreme trust. When we obey God and his commands we submit our agency. Our agency is the only thing in this life we can freely give. Far better to submit freely to Gods will than to ,by default, submit ourselves to the will of our foe down under. (not australia)In Helaman 12:7-17 there's an interesting comparison. Man vs. Dust. Think of the exact obedience that the earth renders. If God desires to flatten mountains or raise valleys it is done by His command. He can even part a sea if He wants to (which you may recall has happened.) Verse 17 ends simply and powerfully, "Behold, it is done." Is that our attitude? Our loving Heavenly Father will lead us ever into greener pastures. He will forever desire that which is best for us. His command to us is an act of supreme love. His chastisement unto us is the same. These two acts from God are ALWAYS out of the most pure motives. How great the wisdom and the love of that Eternal Heavenly Being who seeks ever for our immortality and eternal life. Indulge His will and all that is good about existance can and WILL be yours.Exact and simple obedience is a gateway to finding the happiness this gospel proffers us.I love you all and I pray for you. I feel the prayers from you each day bearing me up. The prayers of faith and love, I am certain, reach far deeper with far greater power than either I or you may realize in this life. May you be blessed!With tidings of peace,Elder McCarty (jr)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Hiya. 08-20-2008
Picture commentary by Drew:
Alrighty! So description!
1- This is Elder Ford (my previous companion) and myself on a little dirt road. This is why we need a truck. Now a days we have a car but later today we're supposed to be given the truck. During winter cars don't survive long enough to get out of the driveway here. Yes I think I'm doing the Fans pose.
2-This is dear old Elder Winn. He's now home and goes by the alias Bryan. He's a good man. It was my last time seeing him before he took the big transfer in the sky! The mission has been built on the shoulders of fellas like that one!
3- No your eyes don't deceive you. No it wasn't an accident. This is a dog. Ya It's standing on top of the fence. It's got a leash on and everything but it was just hanging out up there! We parked across the street and noticed him. It was about an hour later that we returned to the car to find that... HE WAS STILL THERE! I think he's protesting something. Maybe he's sick of getting only the bones rather than the ribs! Hey don't be so quick to presume that just because he has no signs to march around with it makes him an ineffective protester. Have you ever tried holding a poorly crafted sign without apposable thumbs? I reckon it'd be difficult.Wow I sound kind of like the cheezy and not really funny talk show host on Americas Funniest home videos. Cue laughter.Love you all!Elder McCarty (jr)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Short time, Elder Hill awaits 08-13-08
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
WOW! Wonder Of wonder Aug 06, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday Emails! July 31, 2008
Well It's another beautiful day in Fort Mcmurray! It's quite overcast in fact, but that just means it's less hot! Monday through Wednesday we went to our Zone Conference. It was a long drive each way but it seems to feel shorter every time. It's about 6 hours down and six more on the way back. I consider it practice for Lake Powell trips in the future! ha ha A good friend of mine named Elder Matthew Asay is one of our Zone Leaders. He has two weeks left in the mission. I'm gonna miss the guy. He's been a really good example to me of what kind of missionary I hope to become. He is such a kind person. He in fact gave me the guitar that he was given on his mission. It's a pretty guitar with nice sound. It's nothing too extravagent but It beats my Ukalehle sized guitar! ha ha It's far more fun to learn the hymns on.An interesting experience we had last week occurred last wednesday. We met with an investegator who and one time had a baptismal date. He spoke about many things he has been reading lately. He is a bright man who prides himself in his quest for nobility and spirituality. He knows the Book of Mormon is true. It hurts to see someone who knows fail to commit. He says he's simply not ready to confine himself. We told him that there is no confinement but that in fact any truth he will find in Daoism or some of his other spiritual investegations will be traced back to God and God has proclaimed that the FULNESS of His Gospel is contained in the Book of Mormon. It's a sorrowful thing to see someone that is unable to act on the faith.Family and friends, find the faith, and ACT. I know not all who recieve these emails are members but what I DO know is that any individual in existance requires faith. Faith is deeply rooted into our every step (literally and figuratively.) When faith brings action we can also find ourselves calling upon the powers of heaven to aid us in our righteous endeavors. I know it's a true principle. I live it every day. When my faith or acting upon it faulter I find myself less happy and less successful. It applies. I love you all! You're the greatest and I hope that the lessons I'm learning show. I'm trying to do and be the best I can.Love,Elder McCarty
Here is a video of Drew narrating the ice on the river. VERY CUTE!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen! July 23, 2008
Today is another packed preparation day! One of the members in the Timberlee ward wants to take us golfing so we got ourselves some wicked cool golfing polos and we're gonna go see how terrible we really are. It'll be fun I'm sure :DLast week I realize my email was a little boring... I wrote myself a note or two so that I will be better this week at writing some good experiences I've been having!There's a woman named Daniella down in Edmonton. She's a very kind french girl. She has a baby girl (4 months or so) and a boyfriend. Elder Winn (my companion before last) and I tracted into her. We continued trying her and finally the last sunday before I got transferred to Fort Mcmurray she came to church and we set up an appointment with her! She really loved church and told us she would be coming back regularly.That's all I knew about it until just recently. I was told by our Zone Leader that Daniella has a baptismal date! That's the first one in the Clareview ward for some time now.
I was so excited when I heard! She's dedicated to it. The day is August 30th. She needs time to either move out from her boyfriends house or marry him (she's fine with either.) I'm sure she'd prefer to marry him. That was VERY fun for me to hear so I'm sharing it.Also Bobby Lasseter from the Kingsway ward (which I served in also with Elder Winn) recently was baptized. We worked with him and he told us he was ready for baptism after our second appointment. He was most certainly humbled. We were in the process of helping him prepare for baptism just before I left and now he's a member! It's neat to see the success going around! It's especially fun to hear about the people that I actually taught and found.This last week we had a humerous/sad experience. It's funny by nature but sad because of what it really means. Let me explain by telling you the story.Elder Hill and I walked up to Krista's house to see if she was home. We heard from across the street where there sat 6 or so young people some snickers. Along with the giggles came questions I don't think they knew we could hear like "Who are they?" and as we opened Kristas gate "What are they doing?"We continued to discover that Krista was indeed not home. Now due to the nature of combining the wards it has become easier to convince ourselves that we have to be to the people we planned and so we sometimes pass by people on the streets. It's something I'm committed to distinguishing! It's important to talk to EVERYONE.This particular incident as we started to walk away we heard more giggles. Now there's some sense as a missionary that I've gained when it seems we just know when people are giggling about us. What added to our suspicion were the repeated, slightly hushed, calls "I wanna be saved." Well I seem to have a voice inside of me whenever mocking is afoot that says "GO." So I spun around and said Elder Hill we need to go talk to those people. He spun around also and we walked up their sidewalk."Hey" came the shout from the porch, "sorry about my friends, they're a little drunk." The man speaking we later found is named Alex. Alex wasn't exaggerating by any means. His friends were indeed intoxicated. I think it's safe to say he had at that point had a beer or two also. Well they invited us up to the porch to talk. Happily we did so. They asked us a few questions about who we were. We answered but decided we would let them steer the conversation. They offered us each a beer with a smile that said "I know you won't take it," and we didn't.A slight pause ensued and we stood smiling a little. They asked... "Ok what are you here for?" We told them all about the restoration and the remarkable experience Joseph Smith had. We explained we were Christian.Here comes the comment
from Alex's friend that is funny and a little saddening. "Hey man, I'm cool with being a catholic. I go to church on Easter and for Christmas. Maybe you can answer a question for me... What is the difference between being catholic and being christian?"Well we answered him and told him that in fact Catholics believe in Christ. We discussed a few differences between his beliefs and ours.We set a return appointment (to which they didn't show) and said our farewells. On the walk back to the car I pondered on what this man had said. How is it that a person can say "I am happy with my beliefs and then in the same breath ask us what those beliefs are."How truly sad it is that Satan binds the children of God by complacency and neglect. I think these people have great potential to learn more and to grow. I hope we can get our schedule in line with theirs. I desire so much to see the soothing power of the atonement applied to the hurt souls that know not where to turn.The worth of every soul is great in the sight of God. That includes these mis directed people we met. It includes each person on this plentiful earth. AND equally important... it includes me and it includes YOU. No matter who you are. Let's rise up and be happy for the kingdom of God is indeed at hand.I love you all and pray for you to have amazing experiences! Elder McCarty (JR)
Here is a little of the local entertainment !
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Hey ya'll July 16, 2008 Read this one!
This week came transfer calls! Unusually President Rhodes had to speak to all four of the missionaries that were in Fort Mcmurray. Elder Ford and Elder Steward have been transferred throughout the mission. Elder Hill and I are left here to work in both wards. It's a similar set up to the time Elder Beer came into Elder Winn and my companionship. This time there'll will only be two of us. There's lots of work to do up here and we're setting ambitious but attainable goals. We aim to see things happen here that have been nothing but a dream in the past.Elder David Woodruff Hill is from Bountiful Utah. He's a great guy and a splendid missionary. He's been in the mission for 20 months and so he knows what we're doing. We get along well and I think the next six weeks will be fun and effective! I'm feeling a little ill today. I'm not a big fan of that! ha ha Hewan met with us and we talked for a good little while. She's the one that was the miracle find! She is hung up on the great apostasy. While that is true she is still willing to sincerely read and pray. We will teach more fully focused on the Restoration since the apostasy took the focus last night. She's going out of town until Aug 1st. We lost the truck we've been driving! It's a bit of a sad day in that aspect. The car should be able to get us around but we're on the downhill of summer. Once winter comes... the Truck sometimes is out of commission when lots of snow comes up here! Well last week I sent a picture of the sweet shirt I got and somehow a few people were disappointed to see that I wasn't in it! I didn't even consider that before I sent it. I'm sorry! I'll send one with me in it this time!Well I have to be running but I love you all!Elder McCarty
Ok... SO I forgot to add the picture! Beware some people are telling me I look different! I took this one because Elder stewart tried to pull me around by my tie and it happened to shape itself into a TRIPLE DIMPLE! Yowsa... I'm not sure what that means. Neato! Take care!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Yowsa! July 9, 2008
I believe in Miracles! Yesterday we were preparing to go back out into the world for the day and we prayed before we left (it's a general missionary custom.) In the prayer we prayed for something that I didn't really expect. I said "Please bless us with one new investegator." Now that's a great thing to pray for but so specific. In the past I never had the faith to expect that I could pray about something like that and see it happen.We were trying a former investegator. We thought it was the house but it was the wrong address. We talked with Hewan for about 15 minutes and she seems excited for us to come back!Doug is SO solid. He's probably early 40's or late 30's. He's from Newfoundland and works here. His wife and kids are back home so he goes home for 1 week out of each month and the company flies him to and from. Our lesson last week went awesome! WE missed out on the lesson two days ago because he had to go to Newfoundland early for "Family issues." We pray all is well with him and he seems to have been prepared! He knows churches are missing things and hasn't ever been baptized because of it. I'm excited to see where it goes!Kim has fallen off the face of the earth and we haven't been able to find her. Tromblay apparently doesn't live in the same house so that is a good sign. The house she lives in is provided for a bunch of people by the company they work for so if she doesn't answer the door whoever is there usually says she's busy or not around.Oh! This last monday we did some more service and Sally Annes (the salvation army.) I found a sweet olympic canadian jacket that is going to be one of my best souvineers and I also got a sweet t-shirt.
I've attached the picture of it with the email. I'm gonna start trying to send one picture with each mass email because I'm a slacker and haven't send home my SD card yet. Bad Elder McCarty I'll be sure to slap my knuckles with a yard stick. The shirt is cool because it says FT. Mcmurray, NFNLD... Now Newfoundland is a good ways away from Alberta... which is where Ft. Mcmurray is. They claim it's the second largest city of Newfoundland since there are TONS of Newfs here. The flag above it is of course Newfoundland. I'm excited to wear it to service somewhere! ha ha It'll be a good souvineer too.I love you all! The church is so true.Elder McCarty
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Rollercoaster weeks July 02, 2008
Yowser!Today is my companiero's birthday. He's now 20 years old! It's been so far a good day. This last week at district meeting I had a super powerful experience bearing my testimony of God's love for us all. It struck me to the core and I felt the spirit very strong.We've got 3 new investegators this past week and I think they've got real potential. Kim and Tromblay have an appointment with us tonight and then Doug will be a second appointment next monday. Doug is an awesome guy! He's here for work (like everyone else) and he's from Newfounland. He's a christian and he studied the bible all his life. He agrees with most of what we taught and said he will pray to know about Joseph Smith. He even committed his friend Beaker to read and pray before we had committed him! It was cool.I'm learning a lot and stumbling my way to become the best missionary I can be! I'll get there with the Lords help.Elder McCartyWith all my love!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
This is it! 6/25/08
So... You see, this week has been enlightening. Some of you more than others, know that this transfer has been a bit difficult on me. I recognize it as a trial through which I grow but that doesn't make the light at the end any less sweet! I can see it. I'm not yet there but I catch glimpses of it here and there. I know there are more tunnels ahead and I'll prepare myself for them, but I must do as President Monson directs "Learn from the past, prepare for the future, LIVE IN THE PRESENT."Elder Asay and Elder Smith are Zone Leaders from Edmonton. I have experience with two particular Elders who have everlastingly impacted me. Elder Biesinger and Elder Asay are probably the top two. They're examples of the type of missionary I am seeking to become. Don't think I'm making small of Elder Smith or Elder Jones (who are Elder Asay and Elder Biesingers companions) they are great too, but I've had a very impressive connection with the two Sons of thunder! Oo I like that. I may have to keep that for them. That's the surname given to two of the apostles by Jesus in the New testament. I think the actual surname is Zebedee or something similar.Having Elder Asay here I've learned first hand SO much about how to lead and still have tons of fun! I am trying to learn all I can about the Elders who leave soon so that I can be a better person and missionary. I don't want the lessons they've learned to die with them (in the mission going home is sometimes called dying.)All in all my testimony is reinforced. I can without hesitation declare that this plain and pure gospel is truth. God Loves us. If we don't see it we may have to pray for our eyes to be opened. No person on this earth can be justified in the thought that Gods love for us is anything less than infinite. He loves you. He loves each random person walking, sitting, jogging, paragliding... the point is made! We are blessed to be the hands with which God shows that love. Go out today and answer someones prayers by following the spirit. Mine have been answered often by the works of the faithful.In conclusion I want to give credit to someone who I've unknowingly quoted in the past. I mentioned in one email that Elder Asay has written above his desk "if you're not happy you're not living the plan of happiness." I thought it was a quote he had recieved but in actuality it's a quote he concieved. It is true! Throw on a smile, cast of satans chains, and we will all become more strong and more Christlike.I love you all! Many of you have aided in bringing me to the point in which I stand. I thank you for it. I am grateful beyond my power to express that I am where I am, growing how I'm growing because of things you've done for me.With ever deepening love, respect and gratitude,Elder McCarty (JR)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wow! 06-19-08
Yes it's true, Today is thursday! We were in Edmonton for Monday through Wednesday. It's about a 5 hour drive each way so our P-day is majorly absolved in travel. As such we're given permission to email the following thursday.Zone Conference was amazing! President Rhodes sat the district down and had a powerful discussion with us on obeying the prophets and apostles (including the White Handbook and Preach my Gospel.) I was impacted deeply by it. I hope that it's effects run deep within this district. I had marvelous experiences with interviews and the trainings we expereienced. I'm growing a lot day by day and learning how I can be a leader that LEADS. Too many leaders here choose to do otherwise. I'm finding greater charity and ability to approach all things in love and I'm becoming more like the leader I want to be.Still I haven't met the vast majority of our investegators and I wonder what more I can do. I'm striving to organize things in a way that we can really start picking up the work. Things are coming together and I'm recieving help from the spirit.I'm growing stronger. That means I'm also a bit in the furnace of difficulty. I see how those two are so often connected. It's a blessing that the Lord is helping me to rise to the occasion because I'm finding myself saying and doing things beyond my past experience.I am growing deepening love for God, Jesus Christ, and the sons and daughters of our Heavenly father. This charity is nothing short of a gift. It has an immense impact on the work and the fruit of my efforts.I don't have particular experiences to share this week but know that I'm having lots of spiritual ones and I continue to pray that you are too!LoveElder McCarty (Jr)
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