Well it's week three of the transfer which means ZONE CONFERENCE! Yes that usually means that Wednesday isn't my email day but this transfer is different. They had to scoot the Z
one Conference until Friday so we head down tomorrow. As an added bonus to that we'll be able to go to Dan Hugets baptism! He's all set and ready to go. We went over the Baptismal Interview Questions with him and he's done the preparation to be baptized. He's going to be such a solid member!Ashley O'neil is still progressing quickly. She wasn't able to make it to church last week since she had to work and do homework. We may have to pull some strings and get Sundays off for her. The owner of the Pizza Hut she is a manager at happens to be a mem
ber. In general the owner is very kind to us even though she happens to be a less active member. Ashley and now possibly her mother and sister will progress quickly. We met Nicole who is her Mother last night. She's very nice to us and seemed semi interested and said that she would know before long what Ashley is being taught.I want to talk breifly about the importance of Charity. I think I've written on it before but it is SO important. In Moroni 4:47-48 we are told that if we obtain charity "we shall be like him." What a promise!!In the book of 3 Nephi we are able to read the account of Jesus Christ as our risen Lord ministering to some of his "other sheep" (john 10:16 cross referenced with 3 Nephi 15:21.)In chapter 12 of 3 Nephi there is a powerful scripture. It is our Savior directly quoting his own sermon on the Mount to a whole new audience.Therefore we c
an read the same scripture in Matthew 6. The verses that strikes me are 43-45. THIS is the higher law! Love EVERYONE, not only our friends, "for [God] maketh His sun (or maybe Son?) to rise on the evil and on the good." How POWERFUL! Consider the comparison of our testimony to a seed. Any and all who plant that seed SHALL see it grow (so long as the seed is good or the testimony is in a good principle) as they water and nourish it.I bear my testimony to you we will partake of the fruit that Lehi tasted, that Nephi witnessed, and that all our holy fathers from everlasting to everlasting have and will continue to partake of. Brothers and Sisters, that fruit is Life Everlasting.I love you all. I think it's evident but I'll still point out, I am growing. I'm learning. The Lord is helping me to be worthy of his hire.Thanks for the emails you've sent! I love to read them and when the pictures come through the bless my soul! I hope that you have spiritual experiences and I know they are available to you! Seek them (matthew 7:7+8)Love,Elder McCarty
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