Best place to send packages (in case he gets transferred)
Mission Office
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission
8925 51st Ave. suite 305
Edmonton AB T6E 5J3


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Weekly Gazzette 1-02-08

My apologies for last week! I didn't get the opportunity to check my mail because the Library was closed! Christmas, ladies and gentlemen, was absolutely outstanding! It's incredible how different it was than what I have had! We had three Christmas' in fact! The members of this ward are so kind and they only increase their kindness as time continues. I grand totalled 26 pair of socks! I love new socks so I'm very happy with that! We did a number of nativities and had lots of treats (many of which were sent home with us.) We played some pool on the worlds largest table (exaggerating of course.) I think it was 12 feet long and 6 feet across! I may not be remembering right but it's massive that's for sure. The dinners were great and surprisingly we didn't have one single christmas turkey! All three of the families said their family decided they'd had enough turkey and so we had all kinds of different things! Lots of good came from the season of Christmas. People in general have more open hearts and when you show up talking about Christ they listen just a bit more and I've been blessed to notice the Light of Christ reaching starting to glimmer in their eyes. Unfortunately many have kept that light dormant for so long that they cover it up just as quickly as it shows. New years was a blast! Pat and Mandy Christensen had us over to their home and we played lots of games and things! Their kids are a lot of fun and we got to have a pretty impressive bonfire! I had an amazing experience at District meeting this last week! Our zone leaders (Elders Jones and Beisinger) came and it was my assignment to do the doctrinal discussion. This group of elders (only 6 of us) generally have a lot of fun. We commenced as usual and then I led the discussion. The spirit came into that room so powerfully and silence swept the Elders. I read a powerful story and bore testimony. As I came closer to the Lord I feel I was directed in my discussion. Afterward the silence seemed so profound the Zone Leaders whispered rather that spoke "Can I get a copy of that?" My heart was full from the outpouring of spirit and I'm so grateful that we are not alone in this work! I've been humbled as to my abilities and my confidence has waxed exponentially stronger in the power of God. Family, friends, ultimately Brothers and Sisters of God, I want you each individually to know that I know the truth of this Gospel. There is a promise in all scripture that any who ask shall recieve. The Holy Ghost can manifest truth in any form to you and I. President Eyring once said when he was an apostle "this morning after praying to know the Book of Mormon is true" he was cut short. A man asked how he could possibly be an apostle if he had to pray to know the truth of the book that is the cornerstone of our religion. He replied with authority "I already knew the book was true... I just wanted to remember how it feels." Whether it be the first or ten thousandth time I promise that according to our faith, sincerity and intent we can recieve an answer to the truth of this gospel. Thanks so much for your prayers, concern, and support.
May God bless you all.
Elder McCarty

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