Best place to send packages (in case he gets transferred)
Mission Office
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission
8925 51st Ave. suite 305
Edmonton AB T6E 5J3


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Weekly News and whatever else comes to mind :D 1-23-08‏

Good morning, afternoon or evening!A 0 Today is a glorious day in the town of Rocky Mountain House. Elder Frost is through E-mailing and we've got to travel to Red Deer this morning for a Zone Preparation day. Because of that this email is likely to be relatively short in comparison to the others. Perhaps that comes as a relief to many of you. ha haI've been blessed greatly this week. I'm so grateful for your many emails. I'm thankful for the patience you all have with me and my weekly attempts to reitterate the feelings this mission is stirring within my soul.We've been making a greater effort to contact more of our investegators and set up definate appointments with them this week. We've had minimal success. Elder Frost was unfortunately sick for three or so of the days of this past week. That was a large contribution to the minimal success we've had. 0 I 7m enjoying my guitar and the lessons Brother Wolfs is giving me. He doesn't realize how much I already know but it's great that he's teaching me many of the basics I didn't know before. I'm learning about how to figure out songs by using different Keys and such. As a result I have a few hymns I can now play. My favorite is a neat acoustic rendition of "There is a green hill far away" that Elder Frost has on an EFY CD. I figured it out by ear mostly but the Key and relative progressions that brother Wolfs is teaching me helped a lot!I want to stress to each of you the importance our role as members is in this gospel. Moses 1:39 says that Gods work and His glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Missionary work essentially. I thought before my mission that I would serve two years and that would be it. As I've been out here I realize that the members and their roles in our work is so much more important than I ever before realized. Alma the younger was a missionary nearly every day of his life after he realized the error of his previous ways. I am making it my goal to be more like him in that respect. I would challenge each of you to be a missionary. Don't worry about being pushy because that's not what missionary work is about. Simply invite. As we invite we are not being over forceful we're simply opening that door and helping our friends to recognize that it's there. There's a saying "nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care." Nobody understands how much we as missionaries care about there souls when we're tracting. Do your friends know how much you care? Help them to understand the importance this gospel is. You WILL be blessed. More importantly your friends will be blessed.May God protect you and give you the capacities necessary to live in this world and do your part in this great latter day work that is Missionary work.My love to you,Elder McCarty P.s. I am sending this for the first time to many on the list Please forgive me for not being able to send individual emails every week! I try really hard but they only allow us half of an hour to be here emailing. Lindsey Court and Sarah I hope you'll forgive me and I'll do my best to send you emails but today I have no time. I'm terribly sorry.

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