Welcome to this weeks edition of "Me trying to help you get a taste of how PHENOMENAL my experiences are!"Last week as we walked away from the not-as-rare-as-they-should-be dodged appointment (where the investigator doesn't show) we spied a woman sitting on her porch.
I turned to my companion and whispered "have you ever spoken with her?" he shook his head. We approached her and for the next 20 minutes discussed with her the plan of salvation, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the eternal truths that have graced our lives!
Leerena St. Louis has known members of the church for YEARS. As it turns out her childrens Father is a member who is "non-practicing." We taught, invited and bore solemn witness that happiness will come into her life through our Savior.
We set up an appointment and agreed to meet at her home. When we arrived she was dressed in her sunday best, children in stroller ready to roll. We apparently were in for a trip to the church just across the highway overpass and a few streets!
How did we respond? As if we EXPECTED it of course! The tour was good and she had loads of questions. She agreed to come to church and followed through! Last night we had appointment numero 2. As we taught and testified of the Restoration she intensely paid attention (for the most part) and said that her praying with us at the end was "negotiable." Well we may have lost that negotiation but she promised to pray with us next time and committed that she'll pray on her own about what we taught!
On top of these many miracles she committed to set a goal and pray about baptism on July 25th. We're thrilled with her decision and faith and anticipate with faith that she will shortly realize the wise choice she's made. Thus is the power of conversion.
Last Saturday night I was on the phone for 2 hours sorting out a ride for one investigator to go to a church on the other side of town in order to have an Amaharic speaker! I'll tell you this moment that two years ago if you had asked me to spend two hours speaking on the phone to get one person to church I may have looked at you as if you were mad! Now I can say that I have experienced the power of conversion.
Sa-ada was picked up and taken to church way up on the north side of Edmonton where she spoke with Banbi Mulatu (yes Elder Asay THE Bambi!) and as they discussed she became very excited and explained to him her desire to come into the fold of God and be baptized! Could it be that this too is the power of conversion?
A mighty change of heart, the blessing which only the spirit of God can bring. Truly that power can wrought within us a change for the better to rise up to the stature that measures our eternal potential! I have felt this conversion, my companion has, many of those whom I adore and respect have also. I testify to you that TRUE conversion only comes through God and His matchless power. It is the power that caused the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, and the leper to be made WHOLE. As Christ did all of those things in His earthly ministry, so He will do in the ETERNITIES for all those who come unto Christ. I love the experiences and perfect plan of the Almighty.
I love you. I miss you. In a coming day we'll meet again. Not yet.
Till we again greet!
Eldre McCarty
599.JPG This was the day that we parted ways with Andrea Casca. She has become thoroughly converted to the gospel and is in every way desirous to act on her conversion. Her situation is such that she is not able to. She's a strong woman and I felt the spirit testify to me as I told her that she will have the opportunity someday to become a member of the church of Jesus Christ. She's a wonderful girl.
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