Best place to send packages (in case he gets transferred)
Mission Office
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission
8925 51st Ave. suite 305
Edmonton AB T6E 5J3


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oh boy! 05-07-08‏

Family friends and wiggidy hip and happenin people! Yes it's me, Elder McCarty. The work is amazing. New investegators have been poppin up! Most aren't super promising but they're all seeds planted. I see their eyes soften and the flicker of the Light in their eyes when we talk with them. I want to talk about our blessed baptismal dates. Andrew Legaspi, Robert Lasseter, Cyrille Chwampka are our lucky three. They're in order of most promising to more difficult. We'll start with Cyrille. He's from Zimbabwe and a real stud. His friend back there who was a star rugby player never would play on sundays (because he's LDS.) Good ol' Cyrille never said anything to him but he always admired his friends faith. When he saw the add on the TV he phoned it. He's eager to learn and progress when we're in our meetings but very difficult to contact between them. We've been out of contact for a week and one half. We keep trying and exercising faith. The Lord will provide if it is His will. Robert (bobby as he prefers) Lasseter is a good man. He's had a rough life. Growing up in a family of gansters and dealers it's what he's always known. He's soft hearted and feels the need for change. His addictions hold him back mostly. He's eager to be baptized and we hope and pray that he will have the fortitude to prepare himself. Lastly Andrew (the rock) Legaspi. He's a member referral from Craig Nelson. Craig isn't in our ward but a stellar missionary. We have taught him four or five times. Every time we were impressed to commit him to baptism. He had held off. The time before last that we met with him he told us why. It's his family. They're good Catholic people but he was afraid of what they would say or do if he were to change religion. We consoled him explaining that as Nephi did a hard thing (getting the plates) he relied on the Lord and the spirit. He was successful and the Lord was pleased. We likened it to him. His date is currently the 24th of may but we hope to press it up slightly. He's solid. His testimony is growing and his comprehension is ascending.As for me, I'm growing tired. Not tired of the work. Not tired of seeing the mighty miracles wrought with faith. My exhaustion is physical. Yet through that, as I force myself to roll out of bed and pray for strength (even if it's semi-consciously) I recieve it. It's been and continues to be a miracle. The Lord qualifies whom he calls. It's a great opportunity to see his power when we are insufficient and yet in his service. Ammon did it with the lamanite servants of king Lamoni, I'm feeling the same power through my service. It's a tremendous blessing!OH! The family will mostly be interested in this one. Elder Smoot is out here. I don't know if it's Casey Smoot but he's got reddish hair. We talk whenever we see eachother. He recognizes me and I recognize him but I'm not sure which one he is! I thought that was pretty neat.OK all, I should be sending a CD with my pictures on it home. IT'll likely go to Mom and I think she'd be happy to send them to you via E-mail or something. I figure there will only be one or two of you who actually want them. There will be tons though!Ok I'm gonna roll on to other things. I'm loving life! It's grand. My missionary commision is amazing. Check it out it's by Bruce R. Mckonkie and it's labeled "My missionary Commission." He's so eloquent and inspired!LOVE YOU!
Elder McCarty

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