Best place to send packages (in case he gets transferred)
Mission Office
Elder Andrew McCarty
Canada Edmonton Mission
8925 51st Ave. suite 305
Edmonton AB T6E 5J3


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"The month of love!" 02-13-08‏

Good morning, afternoon or night!The first week of this month our relief society president Sister Valstar stood up for testimony meeting. She's a rather outspoken and often very opinionated woman. Her voice is not quiet and her willingness to speak far from scarce. She's a good woman. I must admit I laughed a little when her first words were "It's the month of Love!"Anyhow that's the only real backing for my Subject line. She then proceeded to talk about how the "ol' Foagies" (<-I don't know how to spell that) were getting shown up by all these "young people." Directly after her testimony Matt age 12 stood up and bore his testimony. All in all there were total of 3 adults who bore testimony that meeting. It was powerful to see the youth of our ward stand up in strength and with conviction pronounce their firm beliefs and faith in our mutual Savior.This past week has been a trying and rewarding one. Interesting to me that those two adjectives can so often follow each other. I had exchanges with Elder Biesinger. He's large in stature (due to the body building he did back home) and a spiritual giant! He's one of my zone leaders. I learned so much from him. I must say that exchanges are some of the most miraculous times we ever have!We tracted into a Jehovah's Witness. He answered the door and contention immediately flowed from his increasingly raised voice. Elder Biesinger was very skilled at settling his concerns without contending with them. I bore my testimony and as the conversation went on the mans countenance changed. We could see that some of our questions and statements truely made him think. His voice grew softer and softer (his conviction remained firm.) We asked if we could return even though he did not want a Book of Mormon. He declined saying he was awefully busy. We pressed a little more saying we don't need much time, but still he turned us away.Now think on this a little bit. That man was ready to slam his door initially but he let us talk a little bit. It's amazing how soft words turn away the contentious heart. Remember that, and use it. It brings a smile to my face to know that when someone raises contention (and thus attempts to drive the spirit away) by solemn testimony and sincere questions the spirit remains. The heart of the contentious man softens (even if only a little) and we're allowed to proceed with the things the Lord asks of us.I know that this work is real. The spirit (when we can keep it with us) is tangible. As I saw the demeanor change of that man I know that the power of the spirit can do great and marvelous things!You have no need to take my word for it. Go and test it. The scriptures state "prove me herewith." An invitation and perhaps even a challenge that is from God saying if you want to know do as I do (or teach) and you will discover truth.I'm so grateful to you for your support and I hope that the things that I learn here can take a place in your heart. I love this work and I am grateful for this gospel. Love,Elder McCarty

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